Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Report Properties Dialog

Lets you view and edit the properties of a selected report. Mandatory fields appear in bold type.

Name The name of the report.
Context Type The type of context (view) that is required to access the report.
Public The ownership category that determines access to the report.
Full Path & File Name The directory and file name of the report template on which the report is based.
Browse Opens the directory of report templates and displays the existing template files so you can make a selection.
Description A description of the report.
Owner The name of the user who is responsible for the report and therefore has the authority to make changes to its properties. By default, the user who created the report is the owner.
Creator The login name of the person who created the report.
Created The date on which the report was created.
Modified The date on which the report's properties were last changed.
OK Closes the dialog and saves any changes.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any changes.
Help Opens the Help topic for this dialog.